I got around to playing a bit of Metal Gear Solid 3 last night and also tonight. I'm only two hours into the game but so far it's been really great. Because you are now in an open jungle with no radar the game seems much harder at times, but after you adapt to the gameplay change everything seems to click. There are now many more gameplay elements as well. Simple things like healing are now more involved, though nothing complex. The new hunting for food concept is also quite interesting, as you now have a knife, you can kill pretty much anything that moves, which isn't as hard as it seems. Also the new camouflage aspect is well implemented and requires you to select the right camo depending on your environment.
For what I have played so far, quite a bit has been movies, story establishment and codec talk, though most being interesting. One of the best cut scenes was an excellent one around an hour and a half into the game, one of the best I've seen in a game for a long time, classic MGS.
I wasn't sure if I'd really get into MGS3, as I'm a fan of the series just not a huge one, but sure enough it has pulled me in again.