After playing through about 60% of Castlevania: Lament of Innocence you sort of get the feeling you have already been there. Even though this game has gotten some pretty favourable reviews, you can't get over the feeling that its just a few monsters connected via a lot of hallways and big rooms. That's pretty much all you do, run down a hallway, which leads to a room, which contains a few monsters, this then leads to another hallway. Repeat.
Though the other thing that really got me, is at times in the game you might go though about 15 rooms and you think your going to get some great item at the end of it all. Sure you get an item, but it usually doesn't do much of anything.
At times its fun to explore dungeons, kill monsters, and collect treasure, but this just got repetitive and boring. The monsters just keep respawning, all of them! Plus you don't even get anything for all the work. You might get some useless trinket at the end, woo!
If you were a Castlevania fan, you might want to run though the game once and collect the keys that open up other areas on certian maps to possibly collect decent items. But even then, it's not even "Diablo II" cool when you kill something.