Well it finally happned, Square Soft now Square Enix did what everyone wanted. They released the sequel to a Final Fantasy game. That games happens to be Fianl Fantasy X-2. For the most part people seem to like it, and I am one of those people. Which is funny really because I wasen't a huge fan of FFX. I just didn't get into the whole story and the water thing bugged me.
I think what makes FF X-2 such a pleasure to play is the whole light hearted story line and the fact that there isn't a real whole feeling of impending doom you tend to get with FF games. With the main characters being 3 girls, it just makes the game that much more fun. Also the addition of the new battle system and dress spheres makes for much more fast paced gameplay, which is different in a FF game. Accept when your trying to get too many commands out at once and hit he wrong one. But that dosent happen often. Im glad the Square Enix decided to change the sequel a bit, you dont want to spent $100 and play the same damn game again. Hi Capcom!
I checked out Castlevaniva: Lament of Innocence on the PS2 the other day, which I will post some impressions of later in the week.