Another fun filled weekend has passed, and this one was better than usual. Sort of, nothing really goes to plan.
Anyway, I rented Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance for Xbox, mainly because it's a great game and STILL hadn't played it. MGS on the PSX was great, and I still remember playing the import of it. So I felt really bad that there is this great game on two consoles I own and I havn't bothered playing it yet.
Well the game worked fine at first, and I got through the first section. The second part was a different matter, after locking up on everything from loading a room to using the communication I got pissed and decided to clean the disc. I first tried some Mr Sheen, which did little if anything to help. I noticed a few deep scratches on the disc, and the Xbox not liking scratches at all didn't vibe with these. So I wanted to cut back a layer on the disc, to hopefully refine the scratches. Well I then tried some silver polish, which wasen't abrasive enough. Another trip to the kitchen and under the sink I find some liquid for cleaning ceramic cook tops. Give it a test on the disc and, "Hey" fine scratches. Now this disc didn't work properly anyway, and adding more "fine" scratches wasen't going to hurt. So I did the disc all over twice. After this the game seemed to get further than it had before, but still had small load issues (which pissed me off to no end).
Anyway it got to the point on Sunday where I was playing MSG2 and going quite well, then I get a text msg from a mate, asking if I work weekends. I say "fuck no" and because he's a block away, drives over. This pretty much put an end to my MGS2 frivolity.
But wasen't a bad thing, after talking about thing we got to playing a bit of 2 Player Soul Calibur 2. Which was pretty good fun. Because not havin seeing a few of my mates in a while I havn't had the chance to play much 2 Player. So after many beatings of each other in SC2, I thought Halo might be good.
Now I didn't really enjoy Halo single player. It got really repetative and ended up sucking. Though the first few levels were kinda cool. But 2 Player Halo, now your cooking with, something kinda hot. Anyway it ended up kicking ass. I'd read a lot about Halo being cool in multiplayer (mainly from the boys over at PA) But it really is much better, the Jeep (or SUV as I like to call it) is a great fucking laugh. Probably the best moment was when my mate killed a fellow soldier just to get his sniper rifle.
We had a few good hours on it and got through the first couple of missions. Though I had to go out, which sucked because it was only 2:30pm. But hopfully we can ramp it up again this weekend, more alien killin action is always a good thing.
Oh in the end with the whole MGS2 thing, on retun I told the chick (who was hot!) at Video Ezy (god they are such a crap chain of stores) that I'd had issues with the game. She told me that a bloke goes in every now and then and "cleans" the disc, and she would give me a credit on the game. Which is fine by me, I want to rent it again and finish the fucker, or buy it on eBay I don't really care.