Friday, February 18, 2005

Pretty Cover Art

Sorry for the recent lack of updates to anyone who might read this on some kind of strange regular basis. It's just with work and a few other things it's been quite hard to get around to posting anything especially once I get home.

My copies of Space Channel 5 and Jet Set Radio arrived today. I didn't bother booting up JSR, I've played it plenty before, though I did open it just to check out the manual. Space Channel 5 on the other hand I did have a bit of a play with, and discovered that I am fairly crap at it. It's quite a hard game at first but after a few tries you get the hang of it. I've played plenty of music/rhythm games before, but SC5 is even hard than some Beatmania stuff I've played. I put it down to the Dreamcast D-Pad and the fact that the game commands some kind of wavering demonic beat. I only played it a couple of times and then decided I wasn't in the mood. On the upside I only payed $3.99USD for it, and I'm sure I'll get into it at some other time. JSR cost me $8.99USD, and was worth every cent, for some reason just finally owning a copy makes me feel more complete. Now that Japanese Dreamcast games are so cheap I might add a few more to my collection, I really love JPN DC games for some reason.

I'm definably going to pick up a Gamecube this week, and you can be sure it's going to be a Platinum one, wether or not it's a US or Australian model is the deciding factor at the moment. I'll have to wait and see.

Apart from that I'm going to try and put some decent time into Phantom Brave this weekend, as I haven't had much time with it recently.

There are some news articles I want to discuss but not right now as it's jus hit midnight. I'll grab some RedBull tomorrow and post something up then.